Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why being single kicks ass

So, Im in my bed, with my hair a mess, no make-up on, eating a bowl of oatmeal for dinner and watching episodes of My So-Called life. As I look around my room and see the chonies thrown on the floor, the fitness magazines scattered about and my arts and crafts sprawled out all over the floor, I can't help but feel compelled to write a short list of why being a single gal rocks.

1. Watching re-runs of teen melodramas all day is totally acceptable. I have complete control of the Internet tv watching.
2. Brushing my teeth is optional. Granted, I love to keep a clean mouth and usually never skip a brushing, but having the option to run around with total shit breath is disgustingly comforting.
3. Spending my money on myself. Sure, its thoughtful and nice to spend money on someone you love, but what happens if your significant other's birthday lands on the same day tickets to Depeche Mode go on sale? Thats when I say sorry sucka, sacrifices need to be made, and you're no Dave Gahan.
4. Free drinks at the bar.... need I really say more? I have this formula down to a science. When Im out with my girlfriends I have a 2 drink rule. I am only allowed to buy myself 2 drinks, then the rest are up to the pathetic losers on barstools.
5. Not having to explain random/late night texts or phone calls. They happen, most of the time they are a bad idea. But hey at least the option to get into some trouble is out there. I mean really, who needs a boyfriend to cockblock your opportunities?

there are a million more, like: Not shaving your legs, not having having an ego (among other things) to stroke. Not having to deal with male PMS, being able to sleep diagonally in the bed if I want to, smiling at babies without having to explain that I don't want one, being able to order my meals in the most finicky and bizarre way without sighs of annoyance.... oh the list could go on into the night. But basically, what it comes down to is that I really enjoy the pleasure of my own company.... now back to the teen soap operas.

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