Monday, May 25, 2009

an open apology to anyone I have come in contact with today

The purpose of this blog is to do something that I rarely do. Let me make sure Im ready to do this.. okay, exhale, stretch, say "its just an apology, its just an apology, you do fuck up sometimes".... Okay IM SORRY. To anyone that I may have talked to today, come in contact with, looked at or even thought about, I apologize.
NOW BIG SIGH OF RELIEF... that wasn't so bad.
Today was one of those days where from the moment I opened my eyes, I knew I was not going to be the barrel of sunshine that I ususally am. I woke up too early, I smelled cat shit in the bathroom, I forgot to turn in my Netflix movies, and worst of all, I was out of bananas. Now if that isnt the recipe for complete fucking unhappiness I dont know what is. So in my utterly pathetic defense, today was a shit day. From the start it went wrong. I guess I was in just one of those funks where there was nothing that anyone could do to make it better. Everyone I came in contact with got to experience the ugly side of me that is only reserved for creepy guys, hostile lesbians, and shithead teenagers. I was rude to the cashier at safeway. I didn't give a rats ass how much I saved with my club card. I judged the people in the ice cream aisle, thinking now really, should their fat asses be taking advantage for the 2 for $5 quarts of assorted flavors? And as for anyone I talked to, well lets just say the conversation was so empty and hollow that they would have probably enjoyed talking to someone from a call center in India rather than dealing with my moody ass.
So there it is, my formal apology for my shit mood and mistreatment of humanity today. It is now 1am, and I can already feel in my bones that this day is going to be better. Unless it rains.. oh Jesus, Lord help us all if it rains.... you thought today was bad....